The Australian Youth Choir

The Australian Youth ChoirBy Kendrea Rhodes

Most of us like to sing, whether it’s in your imagination, or in the shower. Perhaps it’s a soft hum along with the radio, or at the top of your voice on a mountain in Austria. Of course, the situations in which you can sing are endless. But for two young hill’s choristers there’s one of particular importance; the Australian Youth Choir. Continue reading The Australian Youth Choir


Veg2TableBy Kendrea Rhodes

Talk about a catchy name: this is the kind of word that involves all five senses to make sense of! First, roll it around on your tongue, say it out loud and listen to it. Then see how it’s spelt and by the time you’ve done all this, your brain will have conjured up the feel and smell of fresh garden vegetables. Continue reading Veg2Table

Gumeracha Green Community Shed off to a flying start!

Gumeracha Green Community ShedThe Gumeracha Community Shed (affectionately named “The Green Shed”) participants have just finished their first project assisting the local school children from Gumeracha Primary School. The shed has been busy making outdoor draughts for the children to paint and use in their games. The materials for the draughts have been kindly donated off-cuts from various sources. What a wonderful community partnership – business, community and schools working together. Continue reading Gumeracha Green Community Shed off to a flying start!

The Fair Middle Ages

The Fair Middle AgesThe weekend of May the 1st & 2nd, saw yet another splendid “Medieval Fair” in Gumeracha. This community gathering goes from strength to strength every year with 7,500 visitors this year. The clear autumn weather certainly helps, but it’s the lengths to which most people go to, stepping back in time, that makes this fair so successful.

Everywhere you look is a person in medieval garb; knights, peasants, a monk, maidens, musicians, aristocracy, bishops and merchants. In fact, those in modern clothing seemed to be in the minority. There is definitely something appealing about this era; perhaps it’s the mythology surrounding knights and dragon slaying; or the romance of stories like King Arthur; or the beautiful costumes of the aristocrats; or the pagan rituals; or the wizardry and sorcery; or the exotic Middle Eastern influences; or the skill required to survive in such a brutal world? Continue reading The Fair Middle Ages

A Kersbrook Tree Change

A Kersbrook Tree ChangePeter and Julianne McClelland (pictured) have lived in Kersbrook for 22 years and during that time they’ve been a part of the ‘commute to work brigade’, driving down the hill to jobs in Adelaide. For most people, a 13 acre property to live on with their two children, and a life in a rural country town would actually be a good enough change. But Peter and Julianne wanted a one hundred percent ‘tree change’, which meant moving their livelihood closer to home too. Continue reading A Kersbrook Tree Change

Anzac Assembly at Birdwood High School

Anzac Assembly at Birdwood High SchoolHow do you measure pride – in a person, a school or a nation? Possibly by using words like dignity, character, conduct and respect. Well it’s pride within the students at Birdwood High School that swelled at their annual Anzac assembly. For them, Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance and wonder at the sacrifices that people made, some of those people were only teenagers themselves.

On Friday the 23rd of April, Birdwood High School’s annual Anzac assembly kicked off with school principal, Steve Hicks, introducing an impressive entourage; the Hon. Mark Goldsworthy MP; Mr. Jock Statton OAM, President of NT/SA RSL; Viviene Rusk; Kingsley Paul, president of the Lobethal RSL; Channel 9 News and various other media representatives; students and staff from both Birdwood Primary School and Birdwood High School. Continue reading Anzac Assembly at Birdwood High School

Lobethal Museum 50th Anniversary

Lobethal Museum 50th AnniversaryThe Lobethal Museum 50th Anniversary service will be held on Sunday, May 23rd at 2pm.

This church museum also houses the little “seminary” (pictured right), erected in 1845, which is of great significance. The first three Australian-trained Lutheran pastors graduated in 1855.

The 50th Anniversary Service of the opening of the museum will be held in the historic 165 year old church (unless the attendance leads us into the new church, in which case groups will be taken through the old church). Continue reading Lobethal Museum 50th Anniversary

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