The Upper Torrens Writers

Story ThumbnailsThe Upper Torrens Writers consist of six people from very different backgrounds who have become friends over quite a number of years.

The group meets regularly to practice their writing skills and have maintained enjoyment and humour whilst polishing their craft.

Their work ranges from fantasy and historical to downright spooky fiction as well as tales aimed at adolescent and young adult readers. Continue reading The Upper Torrens Writers


Story ThumbnailsLast Sunday the Birdwood United Church kicked off their 40 Days of Purpose Program with a national simulcast introduction where Rick Warren, author of the international best seller ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ spoke to the congregation on the topic of “What on earth am I here for?”

Over the course of 40 days, starting on the 6th of August, the Birdwood United Church will be exploring this topic with weekly themed Sunday messages, weekly small groups held in homes and short daily readings from “The Purpose Driven Life.” Continue reading 40 DAYS OF PURPOSE

What do Puggles, Fingerprints & Cultivators have in common?

Story ThumbnailThey are all part of the secret life of echidnas: a live-bearing reptile and an egg-laying mammal!

Dr. Peggy Rismiller from the Kangaroo Island Pelican Lagoon Research Centre is one of the worlds leading experts on echidnas.

Author of “The Echidna: Australia’s Enigma”, Peggy will be presenting an evening on the secret life of echidnas at the Mt Pleasant Natural Resource Centre on Tuesday, July 18th. Continue reading What do Puggles, Fingerprints & Cultivators have in common?

Jane Reilly visits Lobethal Lutheran

Story ThumbnailLobethal is not known for fine, sunny weather, but Tuesday, May 23rd was an exception when the sun shone on a visit to the Lobethal Lutheran School by the Channel 10 helicopter and Jane Reilly.

The Student Representative Council invited Jane to drop in to the school and speak to the students about “Weather”.

The Lobethal Kindergarten children and parents shared this exciting event, beginning with assembling with great anticipation on the school oval to witness the landing of the helicopter. Continue reading Jane Reilly visits Lobethal Lutheran

New Legal Aid Office in Mount Barker

Story ThumbnailMount Barker is the location for a new legal aid office for the Hills region.

The Legal Services Commission now offers legal advice and family dispute resolution services from newly constructed offices in Walker Street.

In announcing the move, Hamish Gilmore, Director, said the new office was the first to be opened by the Legal Services Commission in more than 15 years and is ‘consistent with our strategic plan to increase services to regional areas and a recognition of the growing population in and around the Mount Barker area.’ Continue reading New Legal Aid Office in Mount Barker

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